
2013-11-12 2239


首次在2013年SOE Live宣布,高级巫师是11月12日EQ II 资料片薇仙的眼泪中添加的新职业。以下是对这个独特DPS治疗师的概述:
你没听错! 这个巫师使用注入魔法的弓箭对敌人造成伤害,并治疗帮派内的成员。他们也可以穿皮甲,这样他们就可以获得额外的生命值并持续不断的进行攻击。

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这个高级巫师的同伴是一个石巨人,而这也是无尽2中第一个可自定义的宠物,高级巫师有一种10滑块的特殊的构造菜单:6种用于选择构造的外观, 4种用于特殊技能和增益效果。  外观物品和战斗能力均可在野外发现, 所以继续狩吧!

高级巫师使用构造吸收单一目标或整个帮派的伤害。与传统的“战斗宠物”不同, 构建不会直接受到攻击,同样也不会死去:当其健康低于25%, 它只是停止吸收伤害。高级巫师可以通过升级和增加自己的暴击奖励和效能来提升自己的健康水准。


高级巫师有一种特别的疏通能力条:修理他们的构造, 破裂愈合, 减益效果和其他有用的法术。然而, 使用疏通能力会产生失调, 而太多的不和谐会导致疏通能力无法使用,直到清除。



Me and My Pet Rock: Introducing the Channeler class!
 First announced at SOE Live 2013, the Channeler is a new player class coming on November 12 with the EverQuest II Tears of Veeshan expansion. Here’s an overview of this unique DPS healer:
A Priest with a Bow?:
You heard right! The Channeler uses magically-charged shots to deal damage and heal their Construct and party members. Channelers can also wear leather armor, allowing them to take a few extra hits and keep on firing.
The Pet Rock:
The Channeler’s companion is a stone golem known as a Construct, and it’s the first truly customizable pet in EverQuestII. Channelers have a special Construct menu with 10 slots: 6 to choose the Construct’s appearance, and 4 for special abilities and buffs. Both appearance items and combat abilities can be found in the wild, so keep hunting!
Preventative Healing:
The Channeler uses the Construct to absorb damage for a single target or for the whole group. Unlike traditional “combat pets,” the Construct cannot be directly attacked and cannot die: when its health falls below 25%, it simply stops absorbing damage. Channelers can boost their Construct’s health by leveling and increasing their own Crit bonus and Potency.
Channelers have a special bar for Conduit abilities: repairing their construct, burst healing, debuffs, and other useful spells. However, using Conduit abilities generates Dissonance, and too much Dissonance will prevent the Channeler from being able to use their Conduit bar until it recedes.
Interested in rolling a Channeler? Preorder your copy of Tears of Veeshan today 

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