美服《上古卷轴》更多测试邀请已发出 看看谁是幸运儿

2013-11-20 804


Zenimax宣布更多的beta代码已发送给幸运的玩家。团队没有公布到底发送了多少代码, 所以一定要检查自己的收件箱, 看看你是不是个幸运的粉丝!
我们又发送了大量的ESOβ测试的邀请码,所以准备检查你的电子邮件吧! 别忘了检查你的垃圾邮件文件夹。如果你是一个Gmail用户,记住我们的邀请将被自动过滤到“促销活动”选项卡。

对你们当中那些收到邀请的幸运儿:欢迎光临! 请及早创建帐户, 并开始下载客户端。我们期待你的反馈, 希望你能喜欢此次测试。如果你没有收到邀请, 我们仍感谢你的耐心。随着测试的进行,可以确信的是, 我们将发送更多的邀请。淡然发送时我们将在Facebook、Twitter和谷歌+发表帖子, 以确保你不会错过机会。





 Elder Scrolls Online : More Beta Invites Headed to an Inbox Near You
 Zenimax has announced that more beta codes have been sent out to lucky recipients. The team didn't announce how many Elder Scrolls Online codes were sent out, only that they were. So be sure to check your email account's inbox to see if you are a lucky fan!

More invitations to the ESO beta test are going out, so get ready to check your email! Don’t forget to look in your spam folder. If you’re a Gmail user, remember that our invites are automatically filtered to the “promotions” tab.

To those of you who received an invite: welcome! Please create your account and start downloading the client at your earliest convenience. We’re looking forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy the test. If you didn’t receive an invite, we appreciate your patience. As the test continues, you can be sure that we’ll keep sending more invites. When we do, we’ll make a post here and on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to make sure you don’t miss your chance.

Thank you for all your enthusiasm about testing ESO; we can’t wait to see you in-game.

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