美服《永恒之塔》感恩节将至 官方大礼回馈玩家

2013-11-21 1449

感恩节即将来临, 我们有太多感谢需要表达。《永恒之塔》 已强劲运行了4年。没有玩家的积极参与,我们不会达到这些里程碑,为了表示我们的感谢, 我们打算启动以下活动。

参与方式: (11月20日至12月4日)
拥有最高的永恒之塔印盒掉落率的禁地是萨乌洛军需基地,钢铁玫瑰, 永恒堡垒,Ophidan桥。
每个帐户一天只能有一次机会, 你可以花费1 Ncoin挑选一个印盒 !
在活动期间, 请关注我们的社区,因为礼品不止如此哦。




所以,收集印盒, 将心拼凑完整,你会得到这些很棒的物品。



  The Aion Community Appreciation Event
 With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we have a lot to be thankful for; Aion going on strong for four years . These milestones could not have been reached without our dedicated player base, and as a representation of our thanks, we would like to dedicate this next event to all of you.
 - How to Participate - (from November 20 to December 4)
Instance monsters will have a chance to drop Aion Signet Boxes. Signet Boxes will give you a random heart piece, with the Signet Piece: N being slightly more rare. Combine the four required pieces to create the Forged Aion Signet. Open the Signet for a random reward.
The instances with the best Aion Signet Boxes drop rate are Sauro Supply Base, Steel Rose, Eternal Bastion, and Ophidan Bridge.
Aion Signet boxes will also be available on the store.
Once a day per account, you can pick up a signet box for 1 Ncoin!
During the event, watch our social and community sites, where we’ll be giving away not just boxes, but more prizes as well!
 - Prizes -
Collect and Combine the four heart pieces from the Signet Boxes for the following prizes:
 [Event] Dragon Lord's Wing Box
 Fabled Godstone Bundle
 Noble Composite Manastone Bundle
 [Event] Perky Wedding Dress/Tuxedo
 [Event] Exotic Wedding Veil
 [Event] Daeva's Day Manastone Bundle
 Dragon's Medal Box
 [Event] Protectorate Key Box
 [Event] Birthday Cake Kisk
 Stigma Shard
 [Event] Ancient Crown Bundle
 [Event] Blood Mark Box
So collect those signet boxes, put those hearts together, and win some great stuff!





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