美服《英雄联盟》死神内瑟斯出击 现优惠出售

2013-11-22 1203



来自黑暗扭曲的世界, 死神内瑟充满着野性的力量。虹吸重击不断作用,向它的戟灌注邪恶的力量,威瑟召唤出影子捕获他的猎物。当他释放出灵火,整个地面都燃烧着黑色的火焰。随着猎物的畏缩, 他的怒火点燃了沙之愤怒。死神内瑟斯俯视着他的敌人, 三支獠牙喷射火焰,他所到之处无不化成尘土 。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。




Infernal Nasus unleashed!
 From a dark, twisted vision of the world, Infernal Nasus howls with feral power. Siphoning Strike echoes with a malevolent glow upon his halberd, while Wither summons shadows to clutch and grasp his quarry. When he calls forth Spirit Fire the ground blazes with black flame. With his prey already cowering, his rage ignites the Fury of the Sands. Infernal Nasus towers over his foe, three maws spouting fire. His passing leaves nothing but dust.
Unleash Infernal Nasus upon the battlefields for 1820 RP.

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