美服《英雄联盟》死神内瑟斯改头换面 新装首次亮相

2013-11-23 1425



位战士举起他的战戟, 阳光映照在刀锋,须臾虹吸出击,击碎一切。内瑟斯重新作为守护者,沙粒在它的战甲中晃动,内瑟斯的更新完成。

他的每一个能力都伴随着新的动画效果, Nasus的形象全面提升。 怒火狂沙伴随着一种凶猛的吼叫, 吓人的粒子和一个黑暗的家园象征。所有馆长的皮肤也再次更新。






Visual Update: Nasus, the Curator of the Sands
 As the scholar-warrior raises his halberd, the sun glints off the blade just before the Siphoning Strike comes crashing down. Nasus stands guardian anew, the sand shaken from his armor, his visual update complete.
Each of his abilities is accompanied by new animations and particles, completely updating the vision of Nasus. Fury of the Sands is accompanied by a ferocious roar, intimidating particles and a darkened emblem of his homeland. All of the Curator's skins have been studiously renewed as well.
His spirit aflame and renewed, Nasus casts a withering pall over his enemies, ensuring that the cycle of life and death continues. 

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