美服《TERA》“我的一生”成就清单 帮你获得珍惜坐骑

2013-11-25 2953


随着最近的补丁更新和新引入的成就,在这些成就之一有个“我的一生”, 它会奖励你速度为275的永久dracoraptor坐骑,名叫Carmine, 以及 “Over-Achiever”称号。我已经是成就猎人, 也想要这个永久坐骑。我也是一个恐龙爱好者,绝对觉得有必要拥有永久红色坐骑。我可笑的努力或冗长的成就。

不要再拖延了, 给你们看看我的电子表格。你可以查看https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtzV7XxJBSX9dEFCdzV6UmxCZXJBOHo1YjgxN3plWVE#gid=0。 我只做了两三个成就清单,没有做随后的12后续成就, 因为他们的要求其实本质相同。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。





 "All My Life" Achievement (the no-lifer achievement)

With the recent patch came updates to, and the introduction of new achievements. One of these achievements, aptly named "All My Life" (since it certainly gives the illusion of having no life outside of TERA), rewards you with a 275 speed permanent dracoraptor mount named Carmine, as well as the title "Over-Achiever". Well, being the achievement hunter that I am, I want this permanent mount. I'm also a dinosaur fangirl and absolutely feel the need to own the permanent red one. 
Without further delay, I present to you, my spreadsheet. Obviously, you cannot see it as an image, but you can view the Google Doc file here. It's not the prettiest thing in the world, and I did condense two or three achievements rather than listing twelve or so subsequent achievements that had essentially the same requirements (ie the Tourist Trap)

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