美服《英雄联盟》流行歌手阿狸开启征途 带给玩家炫酷体验

2013-11-27 1617


流行歌手阿狸的 “精神冲击”之旅开始!

聚光灯已经点亮, 乐师都准备就绪,“精神冲击”巡回演唱会启动啦。阿狸出场了,向舞台中央投入极具冲击力的蓝色灵魂球。话筒发出声音,好像有了生命般在这火爆的歌手身边萦绕。人群冲击着舞台,阿狸用她的歌声和舞蹈征服了所有观众。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。
只需975 RP,阿狸就可燃烧你的灵魂。 





Popstar Ahri's Spirit Rush tour starts today!
 The spotlights are on, the musicians are at the ready and the Spirit Rush is on. Popstar Ahri announces her presence, shooting a pulsing blue Spirit Orb across the stage. The notes surge from the speakers and seem to take on a life of their own around the pop darling. The crowd rushes the stage and Popstar Ahri charms the crowd with a night of song and dance.

Popstar Ahri will set your spirit afire for 975 RP!

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