美服《坦克世界》8.10版本即将上线 日系战车重磅出击

2013-11-27 1686


坦克世界下一个更新正在接近,是时候看到升起的坦克了! 之前我们就预演了日系坦克,现在他们将在8.10版中正式亮相。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。

8.10版本添加了大家期待已久的日系坦克, 两个科技树延伸至14辆战车。四个轻型坦克包括 5 型He-Ko、九个中型坦克包括STB-1以及3型Chi-Nu Kai,作为加值中型坦克。




8.10版本还将推出游戏的照明系统大修, 启用新方法展示游戏世界光与影的工作方,提升  现实主义的程度。


World of Tanks Version 8.10 Coming Soon
The next update to World of Tanks is approaching, and it's time to see the tanks of the rising sun! We have previewed the Japanese tanks in the past, but now they make their formal debut in version 8.10.

Japanese Tanks

Version 8.10 adds the long-awaited Japanese tank line, with two tech tree branches extending out to a roster of 14 vehicles total. Four light tanks include the Type 5 He-Ko, nine medium tanks include the STB-1, and the Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai as a Premium medium tank.

Type 98 Ke-Ni Type 95 Ha-Gō Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai

Renders: Renault Otsu

Visual Enhancements

Version 8.10 will also introduce a major overhaul to the game's lighting system, with a new approach to how light and shadow works in the game world to improve the level of realism within.

The full list of changes and additions will be revealed soon! Keep your eyes on the portal site for more!




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