
2013-11-30 3662


塑形是赋予灵谕师(玄秘工匠)的另一个很棒的功能。它很便宜, 你现在已经可以用它做很多事情。我们会提供一些概述和截图, 包括一些我们自己的角色穿上闪亮装备的图片!
12级, 没有钱来说是工匠的最高级,灵谕师就能幻化成各种正常的Tiers, 再加上资料片中适用于所有职业的两个新的。
为了能够幻化出传奇物品, 你必须先获得掉落的传奇物品,确认之后,你会看到通知说明你可以进行塑形。 
目前,塑形普通装甲需花费500金币。塑形武器的话花费会更大一点。最初几个武器花费10000金币, 后来一些花费25 000,最高的普通武器可能会花费50 000金币。这些价格听起来还不错,所以铠甲应该都会进行塑形,500金币听起来有点像一个占位符。游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。




Transmogrification is the other wonderful feature that comes with the Mystic. It's pretty cheap and already has a great variety of things you can do with it. We'll give a bit of an overview and show some screenshots, including some of our own characters dressed up in all shiny gear!

As the Mystic levels she gains a few Tiers of visual gear to Tansmogrify. "Tiers" means the visual sets that are currently dropping from Normal to Inferno.
At level 12, which is the current the max level for Artisans, the Mystic will be able to Transmogrify into all normal Tiers, plus the two new ones that come for all classes in the expansion.
To be able to Transmogrify to a Legendary item you'll first have to had the Legendary drop for you and after you identify it a splash will appear announcing that you can now Transmogrify to it. Screenshot below
As it currently stands Transmogrifying normal armor costs exactly 500 gold. Transmogrifying weapons on the other hands scales a bit. The first few weapons cost 10 000, the later cost 25 000 and the highest possible normal ones cost 50 000. These sound like good prices, so armors might move to them as well, 500 gold sounds a bit like a placeholder
Transmogrifying into Legendary gear currently costs 500 000
When you Transmogrify an item a purple swirly icon appears on it, indicating the change. That way you can quickly spot if you've missed something. A note in the tooltip also states to which item exactly you've Transmogrified


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