美服《英雄联盟》最后摊牌即将到来 英雄能否全身而退

2013-12-05 958



通过空间变化,你已经得到了最后五个火花,取得了不朽, 但现在是摊牌的时候了。

在接下来的游戏模式中, 你就可以与朋友和敌人一起在冰冷的战场上决一胜负,这一定会是 空前绝后的竞赛。

通往光荣胜利共有三个种途径, 你会全身而退,出师告捷,清除通向100 CS的道路或在敌人面前拆除炮塔吗?

如果你和朋友正排队等候对决, 你会发现你需要两次击杀, 或者你们俩个也可以得到这个世纪标签。

Prepare for the Showdown
You’ve shot off five Final Sparks and achieved immortality through constant Chrono Shifts, but now it’s time for a Showdown.
For the next Featured Gameplay Mode, you’ll be able to duel it out with friends and foes alike on an icy battlefield that promises contests of epic proportions.
With three paths to an honorable victory, will you go full ham and draw first blood, waveclear your way to 100 CS or channel your inner Ziggs and demolish the turret before your opponent?
If you queue up with a buddy for the beatdowns, you’ll notice that you need two kills to earn the dubya, or the two of you can combine to hit that century CS mark.
Sharpen your swords and ready your hextech revolvers. The Showdown approaches this Snowdown.


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