美服《无尽的任务2》成为“地标”创立者 赢丰厚奖励

2013-12-06 1358


如果你还在犹豫要不要拿起EQN地标的创始人包, 我们为此增加了额外的礼物,为那些《无尽的任务》和《无尽的任务2》中决定成为探索者和开拓者的玩家。

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从今天开始关注游戏市场。如果你去“EQN地标”选项卡上,你会遇到这些甜蜜的旗帜, 你可以将它放在游戏的家中或随身携带。这些旗帜对EQN地标创建者免费。
如果你已经成为EQN地标创始人,不要担心。不管你什么时候购买的创始人包, 你都可以获得这些礼物。只需到市场上声称你已经解锁的到账户的旗帜(s)。每一层(定居者,探索者和开拓者)包括之前的所有物品 ,包括无尽的任务和EverQuest II的旗帜。
今天刚刚公布! 现在你能够赠送朋友创始人包包。通过赠送先驱者或探险家包给你的朋友,他们将能够得到α访问权,成为第一个人看到地标的人。

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创始人包是很棒的礼物, 当你在标记的时候,会需要朋友帮助你构建和探索。游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。



 Become a Landmark Founder and Get a Gift in EverQuest and EverQuest II!
If you were on the fence about picking up a Founder’s Pack for EQN Landmark, we’re adding an extra gift to sweeten the deal for our established EverQuest and EverQuest II players that decide to be Settlers, Explorers or Trailblazers.
Check out the Marketplace in-game starting today. If you go to the “EQN Landmark” tab, you’ll come across these sweet flags that you can either place in your in-game home, or carry along with you during your adventures in Norrath. These flags are free in the Marketplace for players that are EQN Landmark Founders.
Don’t worry if you’ve already become an EQN Landmark Founder. Regardless of the time you purchased your Founder’s Pack, these gifts will be available for you in-game. Just go to the Marketplace to claim the flag(s) for the tiers you’ve unlocked on your account. Each tier (Settler, Explorer and Trailblazer) includes all of the items from the previous tiers, including these flags inside of EverQuest and EverQuest II.
Where to find these in the EverQuest Marketplace.
Where to find these in the EverQuest II Marketplace.
If you are not already an EQN Landmark Founder, it’s not too late! For more information or to buy your own EverQuest Next Landmark Founders Pack, see the page here.
Plant Your Flag. First.
Tis The Season For Gifting!
Just unveiled today! Now you are able to gift a Founder’s Pack to a friend. By gifting a Trailblazer or Explorer Pack to your friends, they will be able to get ALPHA access and become one of the first people to see Landmark.
Founder’s Packs make great gifts and you’ll want friends to help you build and explore as you make your mark in EQN Landmark.



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