美服《魔兽世界》《德拉诺霸主》启用新插件 解决中国玩家使用问题

2013-12-09 1509


《德拉诺霸主》启用了一个新的找组功能,但网易想出了中国玩家的使用解决方案。玩家们现在正在测试新的插件,用于群组聊天, 创建小组,以及跨服计划事件。







WoWSocial Addon (China Only)
A nice new Group Finder feature is coming in Warlords of Draenor, but NetEase has come up with a solution for Chinese players to use today. Players in China are currently testing an addon that allows for group chats, creating groups, and scheduled events with cross realm players.

Unfortunately the addon won't work on US/EU servers in its current state, as it relies on passing messages between servers via officially run characters that serve as message passing proxies.




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