
2013-12-14 2546



惩罚者是骑士精神的先驱, 是装甲精良的骑士, 保护Buvont皇室的利益。标志性的特点是他们的韧性, 防暴技术和卓越的剑术, 惩罚执行者是蒙特尔最好的, 最训练有素的军团 。


【可用种族】Buvont人类, Lokemean矮人
【特别武器】 手剑和盾


Eurian Buvont, 传奇士兵和统治王朝的成员,但并不像他的兄弟们一样轻易地淹没在皇家的声色犬马中。他提倡社会正义, 他的任务是维持好家族的声誉。







Aegis of Isenhorst - The Punisher
The Punishers are herald of chivalry, elite armored knights that protect the well-being of the Buvont Royalty. Characterized by their toughness, iconic shield-wielding techniques and superior swordsmanship, Punishers are amongst the finest, most disciplined legion ever assembled on the continent of Montel.
【Available Races】Buvont Humans, Lokemean Dwarves
【Role Specialization】  Tank - Melee
【Weapon of Choice】One handed Sword & Shield
【Armor Proficiency】 Heavy (Plate) Armor
【Class Trait】Punishers can take massive beatings in a main-tank role; they are also versatile enough to switch movement sets and dish out sustained DPS.
Eurian Buvont, a legendary soldier and member of the ruling Dynasty, was not submerged in royal debaucheries as his brethrens did so easily. An advocate of social justice, he was on a mission to preserve the best of his family name.
With the King’s blessing he mobilized an elite group of soldiers to quell the Darkfire menace. Trained for shock warfare, they were well-suited to give their opponents a taste of their own medicine. The king ensured that they were armed with swords and bulwarks of the finest quality. Eurian led surprise assaults against rebel forces that left their disrupted supply lines and entire camps in smoldering ruin. It appeared as though Isenhorst had finally found its remedy to the constant uprisings. The Buvontian King commissioned the recruitment of additional knights to swell their ranks. Upon the day that the rebellion was vanquished, it gave rise to the elite order of Punishers.

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