美服《坦克世界》领土战地图发生新变化 新增部分着陆区域

2013-12-17 1245


第一个区域是可能会有些麻烦即格陵兰岛。曾经有些地区由于太远而无法到达,所以我们将其中两个改变成着陆省份:东部基督 X Land和巴克莱角。
下一个是加拿大,我们打算在马尼托巴省汤普森的哈德逊湾增加新的着陆点,这将大大提高达科塔地区和加拿大马尼托巴省 / 萨斯喀彻温的可及性。
最后一个稍显复杂。我们将使用圣劳伦斯航道和大湖区航道系统添加一个绿湾登陆省。当然还有点小变化, 绿湾的收入将减少到480金币,,保持跟其他省份的一致, 但为了弥补损失, 密尔沃基,威斯康星州将增加到1080金币。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。



 After an analysis of the Clan Wars map, we have decided to improve the accessibility of certain regions on the map by adding a few new Landing Provinces at the conclusion of the Clan Wars Second Campaign (and the holiday break).

The first region that needed a little bit of work was Greenland. There used to be a few provinces that took a bit too long to reach, so we have changed two of them into Landing Provinces: Eastern King Christian X Land and Cape Barclay.

Next on the list is Canada, where we have added a new Landing Province on the Hudson Bay in Thompson, Manitoba. This change will greatly improve the accessibility of The Dakotas area, and the Saskatchewan/Manitoba provinces in Canada.

The final new Landing Province is a bit more complicated. We'll be using the Saint Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes Waterway systems to add a Landing Province in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Here's the wrinkle -- incomes will have to change a little bit. Green Bay's income will be decreasing to 480 to put it in line with other Landing Provinces, but to make up for this loss, Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be increased to 1,080.

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