美服《魔兽世界》派恩少校的动物园更新 呆萌冬日驯鹿陪你战斗

2013-12-21 1038


冬幕节来啦, 但坦率地说,我有点担心冬日爷爷的老伙---驯鹿梅森 。你想 经过多年的问题,它终究会明白自己的好奇心,它会在艾泽拉斯闲逛惹麻烦, 但是哦, 不! 再一次, 他走失了,完全遗忘之前的教训,愚蠢的无可救药,,,再一次被抓住了。!


在奥特兰克山脉, 有个山洞, 一个巨大的留着口水的怪物住在里面,它叫可恶的格林奇。洞穴中它守护的是一批足以使这个节日与众不同的奇珍异宝,包括明亮的树木, 玩具,嘿, 我看到的那是上发条的小狗吗? 但是外面在正发生着最最可悲的事情。你猜对了, 木头围栏里圈着最最著名的梅森驯鹿,让我再擦擦笑出额眼泪吧 !游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。

唉,可怜的Metzen。现在你可能想知道宠物战斗训练中它能做些什么啊。嗯, 你看,我和冬天先生有各种各样的协议。他知道谁乖不乖, 我知道谁是乖不乖。主要是因为他不能打败我的团队。哈哈!今年, 他要求帮他找回心爱的巴克,而它则每天都有可能闲逛进洞穴。为报答你的好意,他答应送一些冬幕节的礼物, 你可能会发现一个小型的鹿。面对Greench应该让你更加坚强, 对吗? !



Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: Winter Reindeer
Well, well, Winter Veil is here and I have to be frank. I’m a bit concerned about Greatfather Winter’s pal, Metzen the Reindeer. You’d think after years of trouble he would have finally come to understand that his own pensive curiosity and need to wander around Azeroth when the big man’s in town only leads to trouble, but oh no! Once again, he’s gone and neglected the lessons of the past, fooled around with the wrong sort, and gotten himself captured. Again!
High in the mountains of Alterac, there’s a cave where a giant slobber-machine named the Abominable Greench has settled in. Inside the cavern he guards is an array of wonders that make this holiday special--brightly lit trees, toys, and hey, is that a wind-up corgi I see? But the most pathetic thing about this whole situation is right outside. You guessed it, it’s the wooden corral that contains the most famous reindeer of all: Metzen! Gimme a second to wipe the tears of laughter away!
Sigh . . . poor Metzen. Now, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with your Pet Battles training. Well, you see, me and Mister Winter have an accord of sorts. He knows who’s been naughty or nice, and I know who’s been naughty or nice. Mostly because he can’t beat my team with his. Haha! This year, he’s requested assistance in returning his beloved buck who tends to wander out to the same cave every single day. And in return for your nice expressions of niceness, he’s promised to deliver some gifts on Winter Veil’s Day in which you may find a tiny version of said cervidae. Facing the Greench should toughen you up, right?!





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