美服《C9》参与新年活动 赢取节日大奖

2013-12-27 1088


c9 event.jpg

持续时间:201312月25日,- 2014年1月15日

随着假期的临近,Glenheim大陆充满了欢乐和幸福,尽管还有Rahkdan无休止的战争!为庆祝新年的到来, 女神 Akene 已经赐福整个大地。
对于那些在第三,第四和第五大陆进行冒险的勇士们, 击败大陆boss将产生一个新年数字宝盒,2、0、1、4, 可以交换充满神奇奖品的盒子, 有些东西从未出现过!游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。
HP/ MP回复+ 10
智力+ 15
元素抗性+ 150
精确度+ 0.5%
智力+ 5
攻击速度+ 1.0%
施法速度+ 3.0%


 Event - New Years Event
Duration: December 25th, 2013 - January 15th, 2014
The land of Glenheim fills with joy and happiness as the holiday season approaches, despite the endless war against Rahkdan! To celebrate the approach of the New Year, the Goddess Akene has showered the land with her graces.
For those brave souls who take on Expert, Master level dungeons in the 3rd, 4th and 5th Continents, defeating one of the lands bosses will yield a New Years Number Chest which gives numbers 2,0,1,4 that can be exchanged to a box filled with marvelous prizes, some never before seen!
Rewards: Ney Year Accessory, New Gear, etc
- New Years Ring
HP/MP Regen +10
INT +15
Elemental Resistance +150
Random options
- New Years Necklace
Accuracy +0.5%
INT +5
Attack Speed + 1.0%
Casting Speed + 3.0%


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