美服《魔兽世界》宠物成就数据统计 了解宠物战全球动态

2013-12-28 1108

今天我们看看玩家的战斗宠物成就完成率。现在的成就是账户共享, 我们可以通过帐户将角色进行分组,了解玩家完成成就的比例。
数据基于完成宠物系列和缰绳来袭,缰绳来袭2:协调版,我为猫狂和天体家庭 成就的玩家。

moshou 1_副本.png





Armory Stats - Battle Pet Collection
Today we are taking a look at the battle pet ownership achievement completion rate of players. Now that achievements are account wide, we can group characters by account and get an idea of what percentage of players (not characters) have completed an achievement.

These numbers are based off of the players that have earned the achievements in the pet collection series and Raiding with Leashes, Raiding with Leashes II: Attunement Edition, Crazy for Cats, and Celestial Family.

The data used today is a sample of 8.1 million characters from 3 million accounts. The sample is slightly biased, as players who are not in a guild are much less likely to appear in our sample. You can leave suggestions for future stat posts in the comments!

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