
2013-12-28 1547

Heavensturn到来。在这节日的高潮, 来自远东的外域人带着秘密任务来到了艾尔兹。让一只 小鸟告诉你一切吧!拿起森之都主流大报The Raven,看看到底发生了什么 。


2013年12月31日周二7:00 a.m ——2014年1月14日周二6:59 a.m.(PST)
即使是脑袋最混乱的读者也不会错过又一年Heavensturn的到来, 而这些改对森之都来说注定是额外的福利。我们的消息表明, 今年,不是别人, 正是Nophica 被看好升为神, 我相信我是在为所有Twelveswood居民说话。
忠实读者都知道此记者绝对是旅行问题的殉道者,由于其控制不了的物欲而被误认为是外国人。因此如果我告诉你我们荒诞的朋友喜欢在每个Heavensturn命名一个图腾兽,你不会感到奇怪。想象一下! 今年他们已经选择了“马”, 如此奇异的生物, 即使是我, 奥利弗·格拉汉姆·古德费勒也从未遇到这样的。疯狂的谣言会涉及马的食草特点,4条腿的身体,但幸运的是, 科学平静的声音告诉我们, 马是“脾气很坏的长窄脸,长脖子上长满鬃毛……邪恶而 愚蠢。“万岁, 多好的奖品!
现在,读者们, 我知道你们迫不及待的想知道: 他们是怎么想的? 就我而言,当谈到异乡人,  逻辑和理智都不大能起作用,因为他们的思维跟我们压根就不一样。当然,The Raven并不是唯一一个注意这些迷人的野蛮人的, 他们走上街头推广他们的可怕的动物。真的很狂妄!

据说Chocowackersd的人对此一点也不高兴,有消息称他们已经行使了天赋的权利,阻止这些邪恶的骏马进入Twelveswood 。


一直很喜欢庆祝盛典, Damaris随侍在侧,指引Heavensturn地点。建议冒险家找到他, 听听他说些什么。
*请注意, 冬季事件结束后,您将无法继续完成此任务。





Heavensturn is here, On this the highest of high feast days, outlanders from the Far East descend on Eorzea with a curious mission. Let a little bird—size is relative—tell you all about it! Pick up a copy of The Raven, Gridania’s leading tabloid, today.
Event Schedule
Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 7:00 a.m. - Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 6:59 a.m. (PST)
Horses: Yay or Neigh?
Even the most aether-addled among our readers could not fail to note the approach of another Heavensturn, and this changing of the guard promises to be an extra-auspicious one for Gridania. Our sources on the inside indicate that none other than Nophica, the Matron, is favored to become the god ascendant this year, and I am sure I speak for all dwellers of the Twelveswood when I say, "About time!"
Loyal readers know that this reporter is an absolute martyr to the travel-bug, and has been known to be mistaken for an outlander right here in Eorzea on account of his irrepressible worldliness. So it would surprise you not at all if I told you that our outré friends in the Far East have a custom of naming a totem beast every Heavensturn. Imagine that! This year they have chosen the "horse," a creature so exotic that even I, Oliver Goodfellow, have never encountered its like. Wild rumors may fly of the horse's herbivorous diet and four-leggedness, but fortunately for us, the calm voice of science at the Naturalistic Society tells us that horses are "dyspeptic of disposition and narrow of face, with a shag along its long neck and a repulsive lack of substantial coat elsewhere...as vicious as they are stupid." Huzzah, what a prize!
Now, gentle readers, I know the burning question in all our hearts: what were they thinking? But take it from me, Oliver Goodfellow, that when it comes to outlanders, logic and reasons are not worth seeking, for they do not think as we do! Surely, The Raven is not alone in noting the highly amusing helms sported by these charming barbarians as they take to the streets in a bid to popularize their unspeakable animal. Madcap, indeed!

The Fraternal Order of Chocowackers is said to be none too happy about these goings-on, and unconfirmed reports suggest they have exercised their gods-given right to bar the demon-steed from the Twelveswood. Energetic or excessive? This reporter cannot help but hope that all involved will comport themselves in accordance with the spirit of Heavensturn, and the Twelve bless us, every one!
Event Rewards
Event Schedule
Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 7:00 a.m. – Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 6:59 a.m. (PST)
How to Participate
Ever a lover of pomp and ceremony, Damaris will be on hand during the event to point the way to Heavensturn happenings. Cultured adventurers are advised to find him and hear what he has to say.
* Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended.
Damaris' Whereabouts
Old Gridania
Old Gridania

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