美服《Dofus》周末XP大放送 双倍XP等你拿

2014-01-04 1116

新年快乐, 双倍XP !
DOFUS团队祝福大家新年快乐!新年之际,我们希望你能借此机会停止打竹牛奶,与你的宠物相亲相爱。在新的一年, 我们为大家提供一个双倍的XP周末!专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。


是的,你说的是对的,我们说的就是双倍的XP周末! 1月4日和5日,所有服务器将受益于此项奖励。恶心的猪, Blops和Koalaks已经开始颤抖…


DOFUS wishes you a happy New Year and double your XP!
All the DOFUS team wishes you a happy New Year! We hope you’ll take the opportunity of a new year to stop hitting the Bamboo Milk and be even nicer with your dear pets. In time for a new year, we're giving you a double-XP week-end!

Yes, you read it right, we’re talking about a double-XP week-end! On January 4 and 5, all DOFUS servers will benefit from this bonus. Lousy Pigs, Blops and Koalaks are already shaking…

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