美服《龙与地下城》D&D在线商城新发游戏经典内容 精彩不容错过

2014-01-07 1326

DnD 经典新版本
DnDClassics.com- 在线PDF商店,包含来自《龙与地下城》各个版的经典内容,包括玩家最爱的补充材料和标志性冒险,还将继续添加新的内容。这种《龙与地下城》的一站式服务, 提供了一种简单的方法来访问和下载喜欢的经典游戏 。游戏工作室联盟首选专业玩家网,集合所有网游项目,游戏辅助,等游戏赚钱方法。


绝望之龙 DL1(1版龙枪)
GAZ1 Karameikos大公国( 1版 专家级龙与地下城)
飞机混乱(2 版异度风景)

DL2火焰龙(1 版 龙枪)
GAZ2  Ylaruam酋长(1版 专家级龙与地下城)
城市的太阳(2 版 与生俱来的权利)
FR2 月影岛 (2 版 被遗忘的国度)
冒险家的地下室(4 版 专家级龙与地下城)


DnDClassics New Releases
DnDClassics.com—the online PDF store containing classic content from every edition of Dungeons & Dragons including fan-favorite supplement materials and iconic adventures—continues to add new content to its virtual shelves. This one-stop-shop for D&D content offers an easy way to access and download favorite classic titles electronically by computer, mobile phone, or tablet (including iPads).

Coming to DnDClassics this week:

DL1 Dragons of Despair (1E Dragonlance)
GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of Karameikos (1E AD&D)
Birthright Campaign Setting (2E Birthright)
FR1 Waterdeep and the North (2E Forgotten Realms)
Planes of Chaos (2E Planescape)
And, looking ahead to next week:

DL2 Dragons of Flame (1E Dragonlance)
GAZ2 The Emirates of Ylaruam (1E AD&D)
Cities of the Sun (2E Birthright)
FR2 Moonshae (2E Forgotten Realms)
Adventurer's Vault (4E AD&D)


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