美服《暗黑3》《光之风暴》定于2月4日正式发布 即日起接受预定

2014-01-09 1284


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由内特·凯尼恩(The Order的作者)执笔,本书是连接《暗黑3》的事件和其第一部资料片《夺魂之镰》故事的纽带。现在可于Simon & Schuster预购本小说。书中还有《正义之剑》系列漫画中的和沙尼亚。除此之外,还有玩家熟悉的其他暗黑角色。
在《光之风暴》中,Angiris Council 已经找到了 Diablo的黑灵魂石,严加看管,并将其封印在耀眼的银光城深处,却最终造成了至高天的堕落。英普瑞斯及其他天使强烈反对将黑灵魂石送往他处或彻底摧毁的提议,迫使泰瑞尔只能将至高天的命运交托凡人之手。



Vaeflare 1/8/2014 9
Diablo III: Storm of Light Excerpt
"Of late, my dreams as haunted by one thing: the Black Soulstone. I see the crystal reflected in all things, at all times. It has become my obsession, my purpose in life."
A few months ago we announced the upcoming Diablo III: Storm of Light, and today we're thrilled to offer you an exclusive preview of this epic new chapter of Sanctuary's continuing story, which is set to be released on February 4, 2014.

Written by Nate Kenyon, author of The Order, Storm of Light is a bridge between the events of Diablo III and the story that is to come in its first expansion, Reaper of Souls. This new novel is now available for pre-order at Simon and Schuster and features Jacob and Shanar from the Sword of Justice comic series, as well as other characters from the Diablo universe that players have previously met.
In Storm of Light, the Angiris Council has recovered Diablo's Black Soulstone and they now stand vigil over the cursed artifact deep within the glimmering Silver City, unwittingly condemning the High Heavens to its dark corruption. Imperius and the other archangels vehemently oppose moving or destroying the crystal, leading Tyrael to put Heaven's fate in the hands of mortals. Drawing powerful humans to his side from the far ends of Sanctuary, Tyrael reforges the ancient Horadrim and charges the order with an impossible task: to steal the soulstone from the heart of Heaven.
So prepare for the return of Tyrael and the new Horadrim, and make sure to pre-order your copy of Storm of Light at Simon and Schuster today so that you can be among the first to find out what happens to our heroes in their next great adventure!




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