
2014-01-09 1321


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又到了测试的时候了! 准备检查你的电子邮件,看看是否进入了上古卷轴在线测试邀请之列。
新的一年我们迎来了新的一轮测试邀请。检查你的注册电子邮箱看看自己收没收到邀请函, 别忘了查看垃圾邮件文件夹。记住, 如果你使用的是Gmail, 我们的邀请将自动过滤到“促销活动”选项卡。
随着发布日期的临近,β测试的范围也越来越大,我们已迫不及待地想看到每个人的反馈。如果你今天没有收到邀请,不用担心,还会有很多机会在正式发布前去探索Tamriel大陆。  谢谢你们对上古卷轴的热情!游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。



It’s that time again! Get ready to check your email and see if you made it into The Elder Scrolls Online beta.
We’re greeting the new year with a round of beta invites. Check your registered email address to find out if you received one, and don’t forget to look in your spam folder just in case. Remember, if you use Gmail, our invites will be automatically filtered to the “promotions” tab.
The beta is getting bigger as launch approaches, and we can’t wait to see everyone’s feedback. If you don’t receive your invite today, don’t worry—you’ll have more chances to explore Tamriel before launch. When we send out invites, we post here and on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, so follow us on your favorite site to make sure you don’t miss an announcement.
Thank you for all your enthusiasm about testing ESO!

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