美服《Dofus》限时抢购 游戏市场推出最珍贵Imako set

2014-01-11 1736

Imako set 限时抢购!
时间有限,只在1月12日11:59 PM (巴黎时间)之前,你才有机会得到它。


之后, 这种最宝贵组合将成为过眼云烟,如绚烂的樱花般盘旋而去,没人知道它去了哪里。。。。。。
从1月11日到1月12日 11:59 PM(巴黎时间),Imako集来到大商场…跟其他物品一样,它也是半价。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。



Flash sale on the Imako set!
Descended right down from heaven, of a white as pure as eternal snow, there it is, gracious, light, but powerful under soft wings... The Imako set has just arrived in the Great Emporium, and only for the week-end!

You have until Sunday, January 12 at 11:59 PM (Paris time) to take advantage of it!
After that, this most precious of sets will flutter away on a swirl of cherry blossoms, where no-one can see...

What mythical and beautiful animal could have it be born from?
One thing is certain, it might just fit you perfectly!

From January 11 to January 12 at 11:59 PM (Paris time), the Imako set is in the Great Emporium... and it also has the 50% reduction all sets get this week! Take advantage of it now!


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