美服《魔兽世界》派恩少校的动物园更新 金属松鼠等你来挑战

2014-01-11 1105

一队银白联赛精英学员正在场地上学习如何搏斗,不过“精英”可能不太适合来形容他们,只用双臂我就能将他们全都打败。突然, 其中有个人抓住胸口,疼得哭了出来。他倒在地上,我知道他需要治疗。嘲笑过后,我跳下坐骑, 跪在他旁边看我能做什么。然后它就发生了,但这到底是什么? !


他肚子上撕开一个洞, 一个机械尾巴就伸了出来。它来回摇摆, 我看着围观过来的学员。他们看起来都很不安。我刚要去看它到底是个什么东西的时候,突然感到他在咬我的手指。当然, 这并没有太打扰到我, 但我还是把它猛拉下来。这是一个狂热的螺母流氓5000 !它根本不属于这里!
学员们眼里的恐惧确实让我又想了哦,10到15分钟, 这就是为什么你本周的任务就是将这个金属的松鼠赶出地球。是的,是的, 一定要为你的团队抓住一只啊。。。因为神圣的松鼠粪便是很厉害的东西! 说真的, 如果你想这么对付对手,那就太好了!
但,更重要的是, 我讨厌这些东西。专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。



 Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: Rabid Nut Varmint 5000
Life rarely offers much in the way of surprise for me. Given the medals I’ve earned, armies I’ve destroyed, and the huge pile of pets I’ve got stashed behind a lookout tower in Icecrown, not much happens that makes my heart jump—that is, until a couple weeks ago. Hooray, my ticker works!
A squad of elite Argent Tournament trainees was on the field learning how to joust—though “elite” might not be the right word considering I was able to beat all of them just using my arm. Suddenly, one of them clutched his chest and wailed out in pain. As he fell to the ground with his lance by his side, I could see he was in need of medical assistance. After my giggling stopped, I jumped off my mount and kneeled next to him to see what I could do. That’s when it happened. What the hell is that?!
A hole in his stomach tore open, and I could see what appeared to be a mechanical tail sticking out. It wagged back and forth as I stared at the trainees who were now standing around us in a circle. All of them looked like deer in brazier light. I reached in to find out what it was when I felt something bite my finger. This, of course, didn’t faze me much, but it did cause me to clamp down and yank it out. It was a Rabid Nut Varmint 5000! That doesn’t belong there!
 The horror in the eyes of that trainee will haunt me for another, oh, 10 or 15 minutes, and that’s why your assignment this week is to rid the planet of these metallic sciuromorpha. Yes, yes, make sure you capture one for your team because . . . holy squirrel turds, was that whole event awesome! Seriously, if you could do that to an opponent, that would be sweet!
But more seriously, I hate these things.

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