
2014-01-13 1408



Area 52 => Turalyon
Stormrage => Turalyon
Tichondrius => Blackrock
Illidan => Blackrock
Bleeding Hollow => Korgath
Darkspear => Korgath




We'll be offering Free Character Migrations next week for realms currently seeing high queue times at login. Those looking to avoid waiting to log in can take advantage of the free transfers to a set destination realm.

We're targeting the middle of next week for these Free Character Migrations to become available, and they'll remain open for approximately one week, or until a destination realm fills up. If you're looking to transfer with others we recommend setting up plans early to avoid any stragglers being left behind.

Area 52 => Turalyon
Stormrage => Turalyon
Tichondrius => Blackrock
Illidan => Blackrock
Bleeding Hollow => Korgath
Darkspear => Korgath

The transfers will be announced on the front page once available.

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