
2014-01-16 1130

Sidekicks让你觉得不过瘾?想要个小东西陪在身边?毕竟,对冒险家来说,一个小拥抱会是其旅程中必不可少的组成部分,冒险并不是都是战斗和掠夺! 字组合优惠之后,大商场又掀起新一轮的促销活动:宠物半价优惠。该你行动啦。


直到1月22日16点, 他们愉快地咕噜声会让你湘江他们都抱在怀里…收集完成后,和月亮一起嚎叫吧!游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。



SALE event: until 22/01, 50 % reduction on pets!
 Sidekicks aren't enough for you? Need a little cutie by your side? After all, a little cuddle is an important part of an adventurer's journey, it's not all fights and loot! After the sets, the Great Emporium's sale roll on to the pet section: 50% reduction on the whole litter! It's your move!
Find the cute little creatures that are an important part of the DOFUS universe at a 50% reduction in the Great Emporium!
Until January 22, at 16 o'clock, they will make you purr with pleasure at the sole idea of owning them all... and howl at the moon as soon as your collection is complete!

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