
2014-01-23 1103



好的, 你不是什么战略家……即便如此,有时它只是不与暴力组合相比。面对这种无可争辩的事实,只有一个可能的答案:武器永远不会足够。不,等待……如果你想要死了,就自杀吧。Mh……你不能用弯刀抓gobbal。不, 也不是它……在做任务时,别忘了你的剑、短剑,我们会把它留给你!

找到你所选择的棍子,剑、斧头、锤子、蝴蝶结、铲子和一些不可名状的东西!警告:此次优惠持续到1月29日16点, 然后,就会结束!游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。


 SALE event: until 01/29, 50% reduction on weapons!
A good warrior can be recognized from the weapons he carry. For this last sales week, all the weapons in the Great Emporium are offered with a 50% reduction. That has never been seen before! Check your inventory, make a list, and go to the Great Emporium!

Alright, so you're not a great strategist... even so, sometimes it just doesn't compare with a violent clubbing. Faced with this incontestable fact, there is only one possible answer: one can never have enough weapons! Non, wait... If you want something dead, you have to stab it yourself. Mh... You can't catch a gobbal with a scimitar. No, that's not it, either... Well, when in quest, don't forget your sword and gladius, and we'll leave it at that!

Find your choice of staves, swords, axes, hammers, bows, shovels and whatnot at a 50% reduction in the Great Emporium! Be warned, though: it's only up until January 29 at 16 o'clock, and then, the sales will be over!



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