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2014-01-25 1182

驯兽师们好。我是Crithto!本周, 派恩少校决定休息一下,遂命我前来展示大家最喜欢的粉丝网站:WarcraftPets.com。虽然少校正在进行最秘密的探险,但他觉得现在正是揭秘此网站为新老收藏家和角斗士提供全新物品的大好时机。


Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: WarcraftPets.com
Greetings, tamers, Crithto here! This week, Major Payne’s decided to take a break and has ordered me to highlight one of our favorite fansites: WarcraftPets.com. While he’s off adventuring somewhere top secret (at least he says he is), the major thought this would be a great time to talk about what this helpful website can offer new and veteran pet collectors and battlers.
It all began over 7 years ago when Brian “Breanni” Brolin was searching online for a vanity pet guide. Not having much luck, he put his knowledge of website design to use to create just such a resource. WarcraftPets.com was born, and pet collecting is all the better for it! On the site you can look up pets, read comments about where and how to capture and tame them, and even participate in the WarcraftPets community.
With the introduction of Pet Battles, WarcraftPets.com evolved to include as much information as possible while still maintaining its fun, easy-to-use style. As part of this evolution, visitors can now create a free account which can be synced with their World of Warcraft character, allowing them to track the pets they already have in their collection and track down the ones they hope to add.
The site also provides detailed individual pet pages, which include information such as type, battle abilities, location, and a whole lot more. You’ll also find news, an exhaustive and comprehensive search-engine for pets and pet abilities, a Smart Pet Search feature for those difficult NPC encounters, and numerous guides. It’s a great resource—even Major Payne had a few nice things to say about it.
If you haven’t checked out what WarcraftPets.com has to offer, be sure to give it a spin.   派恩少校的动物园:WarcraftPets.com


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