美服《C9》玩家新福利 角色滑块扩展&经验值奖励

2014-01-29 1178

我们知道,Glenheim世界为我们的玩家提供许多尝试不同职业和构建的机会,他们都来源于我们的5大基本职业。为了让玩家能够充分探索所有可用的职业,我们引入了全新的角色滑块扩展:这是新物品,增加了一个帐户可能会有的角色设置数量,每帐户最多达到20个。在今天的临时维护后,该装备可在商店购买,售价720 W币!

活动时间:2014年1月27日~ 2月5日
Goddess Akene已经用她的仁慈赐福Glenheim大地!今天的临时维护后, 活动期间,玩家将享受到20%的经验值奖励。因此, 是时候变强了,勇敢的战士!专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。



 Sales - Character Slot Expansion
 We know the world of Glenheim affords our players the chance to try on many different classes and builds that stem from our five basic character classes. To allow players to fully explore all of the classes available, we're introducing the brand new Character Slot Expansion - an item that increases the amount of character slots an account may have by one, up to a maximum of 20 per account. Following today's temporary maintenance, this item will be available for purchase at 720 W Coins on the store!

 Event - EXP Boost
EventsJan 27, 2014 ~ Feb 05, 2014

Greetings C9 Actionists,
The Goddess Akene has seen fit to bless the land of Glenheim with Her grace! Following today's temporary maintenance, players will enjoy a bonus 20% in their EXP gains for the duration of the event. As such, now is the time to strengthen one's self, brave warriors!


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