
2014-02-08 1050


这世上恐怕没有什么东西能像巫毒玩偶一样让我惊惧了。哦,当然啦, 我很强大,甚至可以说是无法抗衡,但是当你进入witchcraftery的黑魔法,就连强大的派恩都要害怕被变成蟾蜍或一堆灰烬。陷入永恒的梦靥吧!

顺便说一下, Crithto告诉过你们,我在几周前就有事外出,所以我就不可能会受到巫毒的迫害了。哈!

这就让想到了这个星期的训练。在最近的课程中,你们可能已经掌握了一两件关于巨魔和护符和魔力的知识,现在是理论付诸于实践的时候了,就在 Zul’Aman首都,阿玛尼。在那里,我们可以见证,你是否能够保护灵魂的完整,抵挡得住降临在你身上的阴暗。换句话说:你能远离巫术吗? !


一旦进入,你就要尽快穿过迷宫般的城市,解救每一个被阿玛尼动物封印的俘虏。如果你能活着走出这个发霉的城市,获得一个阿玛尼战熊作为奖杯, 我就知道你能够处理




Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: Voodoo Figurine
 There are few things in this world that frighten me more than voodoo. Oh sure, I’m mighty, I’m strong, I’m even irresistible, but when you get into the dark arts of witchcraftery, even the great Payne shudders at the thought of being turned into a toad or a steaming pile of juju residue. Dis a nightmare ya don’ wake up from!
By the way, thanks to the "break" Crithto told you I was on a couple weeks ago, becoming a victim of voodoo is now impossible for me. Ha!
This leads me into this week’s training exercise. You might have learned a thing or two about trolls and juju and mojo on your recent artifact-excavating excursion, but now it’s time to put that knowledge into practice in the very heart of the Amani capital of Zul’Aman. There we’ll see if you’re able to avoid having your soul bled, or if you can keep the shadow from falling on you. In other words: can you stay away from the voodoo?!
Once inside, you’re to make your way through the labyrinthine city as quickly as you can, saving each of the captives the various Amani animal avatars have imprisoned. If you’re able to emerge from this musty city alive and with an Amani Battle Bear as your trophy, then I’ll know you’re capable of handling the pet Crithto is here to tell you about. Pay attention!
Don’t let charlatans like Griftah fool you, there’s no room here for non-magical keepsakes and mementos to help you get through this challenge. You merely need skill, precision, tenacity, cunning, perseverance, foresight, strategy, endurance, determination, focus, speed, and a smidge of luck to be able to show me you’re ready.
Yes, that’s all you need. Why are you making that funny face at me?!

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