美服《DOFUS》情人节活动明日开启 尽享一周”甜美爱意“

2014-02-12 1168


空气中都弥漫着爱的气息。。。粉嫩的gobballs也化解了些许怒气! 从2月13日至2月20日,gobballs会将爱传染给你,而你就会将这高尚的情感传遍整个DOFUS! 由于整个一周你都会沉浸在甜言蜜语中,“写”出你的爱意活动正在大商场等着你。为了所有你爱的人!
从2月13日至2月20日,你会生活在玫瑰人生! 带着这可怕的粉色病毒,你会爱上第一个见到的人……我们只是希望莫希在那一天不会出现!
但这情人节也是访问Cuspuler的时候,赢得巧克力,糖果,烟花和XP !专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。


From February 13 to February 20, it's Saint Ballotwine'...
There's love in the air... and some furious need to slash away at pink gobballs! No, nothing's wrong with you: from February 13 to February 20, gobballs will infect you with love and you will propagate the noble feeling's color everywhere in DOFUS! And since you'll be sweet-talking all week long, the "Write" emote is waiting for you in the Great Emporium and with your subscription. For all you lovers!
You feel like you're living La Vie En Rose from February 13 to February 20 in DOFUS, you'll be right to pin it on the gobballs! Carrier for the horrible "pinking" virus, besides the color, you'll catch the need to fall in love with the first person you'll see... Let's just hope Miss Moche won't be around that day!
Your need to seduce and warble will be stronger than ever, and you will wish above all to spend your days in your lover's arms. Poems, sweet words and a "Write" emote* will help you close the deal!
But Saint Ballotwine's season is also the occasion to visit Cuspuler in [4, -20] and to win gifts of chocolate, candy, fairyworks and XP!



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