
2014-02-15 1118

爱?切! 如果可以的话,我会在每年的这个时候说说“呸,骗子!”。 如果长得够好看,谁还需要什么爱和友谊?当你走进某个房间,别人看到你就会欢呼,那你还会需要巧克力和玫瑰或是一顿浪漫的晚餐吗?
如果你一定要参与这腻死人的事情,那就必须向我汇报你完成每一个成就。这才对嘛!跟灾难恋爱,这危险的爱呀; 崇拜的国家;爱吃甜食;我的爱人就像一个红色的玫瑰;孤独的;火粉红色的眩光;爱情花朵;可怜的傻瓜。那你做这一切能获得的奖励是什么呢?


还沉浸在爱的氛围里? 唉,好极了。我真的认为你很笨, 所以这里有个小提示:我们的朋友Perculia有个奇妙的指南,里面满是大量的“爱在空气中”事件的细节,以及你自己如何获得匹德菲特。你要带着巧克力回到我这里 。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。


Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: Peddlefeet
Love, shmove! If I were able to say “bah, humbug!” at this time of year, I would. In fact . . . bah, humbug! Who needs love and companionship when you’re this good looking?! Who needs chocolates and rose petals and a Romantic Picnic Basket when people exalt your name across the planet and relish in your glorious presence when you enter a room?
I can tell by the pinkish hue in your eyes you need these things. Fine.
Since so many of you are mired in this ickiest of seasons, let’s just get this lovey-dovey nonsense out of the way. I suppose your need to become a true champion of Pet Battles could somehow find reason and purpose in the distractions of Love is in the Air, right? Damn right it could!
If you insist on participating in this sickly sweet affair, then you’re going to have to report back to me with every single achievement completed. That’s right! Charming. Flirt with Disaster. Dangerous Love. Nation of Adoration. Sweet Tooth. My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose. Shafted. Lonely. The Rocket’s Pink Glare. Fistful of Love. Be Mine. I Pitied The Fool . . . every single one of them. And what’s your prize for all this effort? My flower-picking, bow-wearing pug friend has more.
Still in the mood for love? Sigh . . . terrific. I tend to think some of you are pretty clueless, so here’s a tip: Our friend Perculia has a fantastic guide filled with tons of details on the Love is in the Air event and how you can earn a Peddlefeet of your own, which you can read here. Follow that, and you should be able to return to me with your chocolate covered, rose-laden heads held high.

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