美服《C9》玩家调查反馈结果揭晓 最终调整即将上线

2014-02-21 854

在本月初,我们请玩家就“Rahkdan的反击”上线后游戏的运营转状态发表看法;调查结束后,我们就会给出回应,在大家的反馈下快速作出调整。 目前,预期的变化将包括:
所有大陆底色地下城将只有一个神社能够补充HP/ MP到最大值(极端困难除外)。



Notice - Survey Feedback Results
At the beginning of the month, we asked our players to share your thoughts with us in regards to the game's state after the implementation of Rahkdan's Counterattack. We poured over responses once the survey period was over and have come up with a few changes that we expect to implement soon based on your responses. At the moment, expected changes include:
Mid Boss Monster's HP buff for nearby monsters will be reduced.
Elite, Mid Boss and Boss's damage will be reduced.
Escort Quest NPC's HP will be increased.
2nd Continent will now spawn only one (1) elite mob per spawn point.
3rd Continent will now spawn up to two (2) elite mobs per spawn point.
All continent dungeons will now only have one Shrine type that replenishes HP/MP to MAX (except Extreme difficulty)
We will be monitoring the game after the changes for further modifications that might be required in order to ensure a fun gaming experience for our players. 
We deeply appreciate everyone's input and feedback and look forward to continue improving the game you!


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