美服《时空裂痕》高阶坐骑账户共享 限时7.5折优惠

2014-02-21 1121



将“多对一”的坐骑收集方式彻底改变成 “一对多”的模式一开始是社区的想法,但很快便引起Telara 的巨大反响。我们很高兴推出此次活动,它也适用于所有的高级坐骑 (一个更大的优惠共享范围包括首次亮相的坐骑将在未来几周和几个月中相继推出)。


Budgie, strider, and squirrel riders take note: Premium Mounts you’ve collected are now available to all of the characters on your account! To celebrate (and say thanks for all of your feedback), we’re also taking 25% off all mounts Feb. 21-23.
Turning the “all for one” approach to collecting mounts into “one for all” is an idea that started in the Community and soon caught fire with alts across Telara. It’s one that we’re very happy to roll out and applies to all of the Premium Mounts you’ve purchased for credits or earned from boxes (a growing stable that will include mounts debuting in the weeks and months to come).
Other highlights from this week’s patch include buffs for subscribers: Patrons will get an updated weekly treasure chest with a chance to drop a Budgie, and Patron boosts now stack with all other boosts.

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