
2014-02-21 4049


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我们将继续发掘更多关于德拉诺的内容,很多闪耀的角色会在德拉诺之王发布时一一亮相。 拭目以待吧!专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。



 Character Viewer Updated: Female Dwarf!
We’ve updated the model viewer on our website with a look at one of the revised characters you’ll see in Azeroth and beyond with Warlords of Draenor. Meet the new and improved female Dwarf.
It was a challenge for our character artists to find a balance between the classic female dwarf model and the expressiveness of her fluid new animations, but we think the updated model says “descended from unyielding stone” as much as “griffon-riding, ale-swilling, loud-living hero.”
We’ll continue to unearth more of Draenor and the shiny visuals coming to World of Warcraft around the release of Warlords. Keep your magnifiers and spectacles ready!

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