美服《魔兽世界》派恩少校动物园更新 异种幼虫终极考验来临

2014-02-22 1425

就是这种幼虫! 你在泥浆里艰难跋涉,忍受着暴雪的侵袭,跟这幼虫对战却输给了它,过去的一年里,你们真的是经历了无数坎坷,但这都是训练的必经过程。不得不承认,看着你们一点点的成长进步,我还是有那么点骄傲的。
现在到了终极考验的时候了。此次测试极其困难,你们通过的可能微乎其微。所以最终,很有可能我要把你们的尸体都卖给塔纳利斯食人魔部落,他们就可以拿来做新的毛皮覆盖小屋。你已经做好进入下一级训练的准备了吗? 大声告诉我。


Crithto:你们驯兽师在过去的12个月的培训中做了大量的工作。现在是时候让你获得最酷的奖励了:异种幼虫! 只有在沙尘暴期间能在塔纳利斯找到它们,这个小东西很难得会走出巢穴呼吸外面的空气。你需要等待,但只有很短的时间来找到这些极其罕见的宠物,一旦成功,回报将是大大的。待到它们被驯服之后,你就可以大批大批的杀掉自己的敌人,通过将群杀和吞噬技能结合起来,或是可以支持你的团队度过沙尘暴。
虽然很不情愿,但我还是要说我为你们骄傲。 实际上, 如果你能凯旋而归,我将赐予你一个新的称号:驯兽师。要知道想成为像我一样真正的驯兽大师,你首先要做到的就是生存,然后继续参与派恩少校的高级宠物战斗训练!游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。


Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: Silithid Hatchling
This is it, maggots! You’ve trudged through mud, weathered snowy conditions, fought and lost to a tiny puppy, and endured countless bumps and bruises this past year as part of your training. I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit that I’ve been a wee bit proud to watch you grow.
The time has come to put you to your final test. A test so immense, your survival is nigh impossible . . . so immense, I will likely end up selling your dead bodies to the ogre clans in Tanaris so they can make new pelts to cover their huts. Are you ready to see if you’re capable of taking your training to the next level?! I can’t hear you!!
Gather nothing, and leave your valuables and perishables at home—you’re off to Silithus to endure the final test of your basic Pet Battles training. Alone! Once there, you will survive off the land, sleep on the cold, hard ground, eat what you can find, and try to endure the most difficult gauntlet of challenges you’ve ever faced. At dawn tomorrow, you’re to go into the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and take out every living creature inside. If you happen to make it out in one piece, then it’s off into the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj to obliterate anything that moves. 
When you’re done there, you’re to hike your way through Un’goro Crater and bivouac at the edge of an area called the Noxious Lair. On the second day at dawn, you’re to get up and begin the part that’ll test your endurance, patience, and will to survive.
Crithto:  Uhem . . . you tamers have done a great job these past 12 months of training. Now’s the time for you to earn one of the coolest rewards out there for all your hard work: the Silithid Hatchling! Found in Tanaris only during a sandstorm, this tiny creature ventures outside the hive to catch a gritty breath of dusty air once in a blue moon. You may have to wait, and you’ll only have a short amount of time to find this rare-quality pet, but the payoff will be worth it. Once tamed, you can look forward to decimating your opponents by coupling abilities like Swarm and Devour, or supporting your team with Hiss and Sandstorm. 
As reluctant as you may think I am to say it, I am proud of you maggots. So proud, in fact, that if you’re able to triumphantly return from this final challenge, I shall bestow upon you a new moniker: Tamer. Just know that to become a true Master Tamer like me, you’re first gonna have to stay alive, and then continue on with Major Payne’s Advanced Pet Battles Training! Are you excited? I’m excited!




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