
2014-02-22 1173

最黑暗的夜里亮起最闪耀的光,看着他一步步靠近,你的心就会被温暖。但待到靠近,他苍白的面容一下子就会让你浑身冰冷。不过不要急着大喊救命,因为幽灵侦查员是站在你这边的! 据说2月25日,他会来到大商场…


希望可以在2月25日星期二 3:00 PM (DUT)在大商场看到你,关上所有的灯。然后,他就会出现。如果你反应够灵敏,就可以得到一个新的价值5800OG的新帮手。但我要提醒的是,在整个十二世界就只有不超过10000个正侦查员。赶快行动,不然就迟了啊。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。



New sidekick: the Spectral Scout
The brightest light in the blackest night, he will warm up your heart when you see him coming from afar. Up close... erm... his pale face will freeze your blood! But don't call your mommy too fast, as the Spectral Scout is on your side! There are rumors of a sighting in the Great Emporium on February 25...
This special LIMITED edition sidekick has an original gameplay style that efficiently repels opponents. And it's not only thanks to his deadly looks...
The Spectral Scout has a summon that when it is hit, replicated the spell its summoner casts. In other words, thanks to this summoned static monster, the Scout's area of effect spells are cast twice in a row in two different spots!
Casting spells from afar to keep his opponents at bay, the Spectral Scout is a heavy hitter ally (even though he floats in the air...). And it's not because he's see-through that this sidekick is invisible: soon, a Spectral Scout's presence in a fight will be not only noticed, but truly feared by your opponents as well! Like they'd seen a ghost...
See you on Tuesday, February 25 at 3:00 PM (DUT) in the Great Emporium and turn off the lights. The Spectral Scout will appear and then! If you're clever and quick, you'll be able to get your hands on one of those new sidekicks for 5800 OG. Word around is, there are no more than 10000 Spectral Scouts in the World of Twelve, and when those are gone... it's all over...




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