美服《魔兽世界》德拉诺之王开发者说 了解资料片发布最新动态

2014-02-24 1049

最近有许多关于《德拉诺之王》的采访,今天我们就来采访Ion Hazzikostas,下面是重点内容。



Warlords of Draenor Developer Interviews
There were a few developer interviews at the recent press events, so today we are taking a look at interviews with Ion Hazzikostas from Mamytwink and JudgeHype. A few of the important points are below, along with the fully translated interview.

Dungeons and Raids
The first raid will open on the 2nd week of the expansion, with the second raid opening a few weeks later. Only Raid Finder difficulty will be gated by wing, all other difficulties will be fully open when they are released.
Raids will be less linear, giving you more choice of which bosses to do every night.
Raid encounters will have more interesting mechanics for healers, allowing them to avoid the boredom that comes with just spamming the same skill over and over.
The first world boss will be released with the expansion, with more being released as time goes on.
Proving Grounds will be updated and expanded, making it a requirement to queue for random heroic dungeons.
The amount of loot that will drop when you are not using Personal Loot depends on the number of players in the raid that are eligible for loot on that boss. If almost everyone in the raid is locked out of loot for a boss for this week, there is a chance it won't drop any loot.
Normal dungeon loot will give you enough gear for Raid Finder, while Heroic dungeon loot will help you gear up for Normal raids. This will be important at the start of the expansion, as Heroic dungeons will be open before Raid Finder, making it the best way to gear up for Normal raids.
Challenge Mode daily quests have (a chance?) to give you an epic item of Raid Finder quality if you complete it with a Bronze or better time.
If the Level 90 boost gives you your first high level character, there will be a starting experience that introduces you to your skills slowly, rather than giving them to you all at once.
About 20% of class skills and abilities have been removed to help address ability bloat.
Ashran will use players from multiple realms to balance factions in the zone, rather than a buff like the one used in Wintergrasp.


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