美服《激战2》彻底粉碎Scarlet最后倒计时 终极居民救援包奖励揭晓

2014-03-12 1503

终极居民救援包深处到底隐藏着什么样的神秘奖励?打败了Scarlet的英雄们又能获得什么?攻击Scarlet飞船的先锋部队正在寻找过去的稀有奖励以及全新的珍宝!摧毁Scarlet在Breachmaker的防御,解放狮子拱门,赢得丰厚大奖:熔融喷气背包、单片眼镜、过滤设备、Scarle的吻和Scarlet彩虹! 除了那些罕见的皮肤,终极居民救援包还将有机会获得以往发布的奖励,如迷你扭曲Watchwork恐鸟、有毒混合、狂热者和天体食谱、哨兵装备和制作物品,像原始有毒孢子样本,石英晶体和链轮!






 The Final Countdown
What mysterious rewards are hidden within the depths of the Ultimate Citizen’s Rescue Bag for those who defeat Scarlet’s Prime Hologram? Heroes in the vanguard of the forces assaulting Scarlet’s airship are finding rare rewards from past releases as well as brand-new treasures! Destroy Scarlet’s defenses on the Breachmaker to free Lion’s Arch and win a chance at rich rewards like the Molten Jetpack, Monocle, Air-Filtration Device, Scarlet’s Kiss, and Scarlet’s Rainbow, and more! In addition to all those rare and exclusive skins, the Ultimate Citizen’s Rescue Bag also has a rare chance to reward other items from past releases, like the Mini Twisted Watchwork Moa and Toxic Hybrid, Zealot’s and Celestial recipes, Sentinel Gear, and crafting items like Pristine Toxic Spore Samples, Quartz Crystals, and Watchwork Sprockets!
This last chance to earn these rare rewards from battling to the top of Scarlet’s airship and facing her holo-defenses is only available until March 18! With weaknesses in her Assault Knights’ defense recently being exposed, the tides of battle are changing and there is no better time to band together and take the battle to Scarlet!


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