美服《DOFUS》喜迎圣帕特里克节 部分物品半价优惠

2014-03-14 994


我们不要忘记尖叫da Flatnote,Ecaflip吟游诗人,他们沙哑的声音曾回响整个山谷,一个路过的亿万富翁就给他几百万kamas只为了把袜子放进去… 这一切就发生在圣帕特里克节……
优惠时间:周五下午到周日23 h59(DUT)。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。



Saint Potrick: take to the green!
 In the World of Twelve, green and grin are honored during Saint Patrick's Day. From March 14 to March 16, green sets are then required! But this date in the Almanax most importantly celebrates luck: doted with a five-leaf clover, many an adventurer is said to have found glory on this day. Do you feel like trying your luck?
Let us not forget the great Screech da Flatnote, the Ecaflip bard whose raucous voice used to echo through the valleys with such horrendous effect that a passing billionaire paid him several million kamas just to put a sock in it... on Saint Potrick's Day...
It's your turn now, you can try your luck by picking a leaf from Saint Potrick's Clover!
Behind each of them hides a gift, including Saint Potrick's Hat and Cape. But beware! You'll only be able to pick 3 leaves: one on March 14, one on March 15, and a last one on March 16! Will luck be on your side?
To remain in the correct them, if you're feeling like wearing green, the Great Emporium offers you 50% off those three green sets:
This offer is valid from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 at 23h59 (DUT).

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