
2014-03-15 860

欢迎来到玩家VS玩家的另一个版本,你每周深入研究大型多人在线游戏的辩论。去年的论点一直在MMORPG。Kickstarter的崛起和资助,我们见证了新一代游戏资金的诞生。但我们也看到了像万神殿这样的标题:Rise of the Fallen fall by the wayside and move to their own websites。我们不得不问:集资的万全之策?






Welcome back to another edition of Player Versus Player, you weekly delve into the world of MMO debate. The last year has been interesting here at MMORPG. With the rise of Kickstarter and crowdfunding, we have witnessed the birth of a new generation of game funding. We have seen the highs of Pathfinder and the continued impressiveness of Star Citizen. But we have also seen promising titles like Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen fall by the wayside and move to their own websites. We have to ask: is crowdfunding all it’s cracked up to be?

The Issue: Should players crowdfund MMOs?

Chris: Let me start off by saying that crowdfunding is not bad. This is not an argument moralizing about how other players spend their money. So instead of looking at whether players should spend their money, I’m going to look at why they don’t and let our reader’s make the choice.

So with that said, I’m glad you’re investing in something you believe in, but I can’t share that enthusiasm. There are just too many pitfalls for funding any game through Kickstarter, let alone an MMORPG. These are big, complex pieces of software that take millions of dollars and thousands of man hours to create. If any type of game is going to fail, it’s going to be an MMO. We have trouble justifying a $15 subscription fee. Backing a Kickstarted MMO feels like an incredible risk, especially when most of them ask at least $30 to even receive a copy of the game.

Bill: There are definitely pitfalls to backing a game or funding it, and I suppose there are even more for MMORPGs given how difficult it really is to get one out the door. But I maintain that we really can’t ask for change in the genre, and not be ready to put our money behind it happening. We all know that few major publishers will put funds behind anything they think is a “risk”, and lately? Too many MMOs just haven’t done well enough. They’re the most financially risky projects out there, but also... if they succeed and are managed well they can be absolute cash-cows for a decade or more.

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