
2014-03-17 1314

本周我从AlbionOnline的新宣传预告片中看到了社论标题,“穿什么你就是什么”。“ 在现实社会中,这句话有引申意义  ,但在 MMO中,它就是字面的意思。 穿戴的物品不仅仅定义为自我改变,他们确定这些角色能做什么以及与他们在游戏中的等级相关。目前沙箱互动正在开发中,Albion Online网络游戏免费模式希望在一个新的方向能够实现这一想法即让玩家穿戴任何他们想要的东西。试想一下这可能会导致玩家穿得像旧货店难民,这是个好主意吗?


对于大多数玩家来说,“你穿什么你就是什么”的定义是简单的。尽管大多数时候高级玩家看起来是一样的,他们象征着整个项目角色的经验,长寿和知识。他们还在游戏社区定义玩家的角色,并促进团队结合。使用可穿戴的物品是一个很好的限制方式的理由。(事实上我们中有很多人在游戏中使用我们的外表仅仅只是为了激怒别人。)另一方面,限制扼杀创造力和创造一个独特的视觉在许多网络游戏中千篇一律。Albion Online的可穿戴的物品是令人钦佩的也是不切实际的,我们只有玩这些游戏的时候才能发现这些利弊。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。


This week I've stolen my editorial title from Albion Online's new promo trailer, “You Are What You Wear.” Though in real life, that expression might be only superficially true, in an MMO it's quite literally the case. Wearable items define not only what your digital alter-egos look like, they determine what those characters can do and where they stand in the MMO genre's level-dependent pecking order. Currently in development by Sandbox Interactive, free-to-play fantasy MMO Albion Online hopes to spin that idea in a new direction making it possible for players to wear anything they want. Considering this could result in a game full of players dressed like thrift store refugees, is that such a good idea?

Without question, wearables are important for MMOs. They're essential for many reasons: as player rewards, as the basis of crafting/economic systems, and as a means of differentiating character classes. Wearables are even more important to players—in fact for some, collecting them is the main reason they play. Even if you're not an obsessive item collector, wearables have probably, at one time or another, served as a the carrot that convinced you to push through an infuriating raid or return to a game long-abandoned. I myself came back to World of Warcraft during The Mists of Pandaria expansion, mainly because I coveted the new Warlock armor.

For the majority of MMO players, the definition of the phrase “you are what you wear” is simple. Even though most of the time high-level players look much the same, their items symbolize the entirety of their characters' experience, longevity and knowledge. They also define players' roles within the game community, and facilitate group mechanics. This is a great argument for restricting the ways in which wearables are used. (As is the fact that some of us use our in-game appearance just to annoy people.) On the other hand, limitations stifle creativity and create a distinct visual sameness among many MMOs. With pros and cons in mind, Albion Online's take on wearables is either admirable or unrealistic; we won't know which until we play the game later this year.

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