美服《解放圣城》:Viking Jotnar透漏最新消息 揭秘开发 揭开面纱

2014-03-18 672

我必须要说,感觉好象我们是在上周谈论的《解放圣城》一样。当你努力工作的时候,你会感觉到时光飞逝。作为错过了最新消息的玩家的快速更新,2月见证了我们对客户端做的一系列的改进,服务器和补丁允许我们运行286个连接,玩家大约是60 fps的运行速度!


通过“揭秘开发” 和 “揭开面纱”,我们继续回答论坛上支持者的问题。如果你真的想知道真相,你可以直接从桌面查看我们的工作。如果你想知道《解放圣城》又有了些什么,请关注Twitch.



Producer Letter – March 2014

I must say, it feels like only last week I was talking about the state of Camelot Unchained?. How time flies when you’re working hard. And work hard we have. As a quick update to anyone who missed that last letter, the month of February saw a host of improvements to our client, server and patcher allowing us to run 286 connections and players running around at 60fps!

Not to be content, our engineering team has continued to optimize and improve upon these systems. We recently saw the character data packets reduced by over two thirds their initial size. As Andrew puts it, “The magic is in the math!” In addition our engineering team has squashed more bugs than were created while continuing to manage adding more functions to the current tech.

Within our forums we continued to answer Backers’ questions through our well named updates “Bring out Your Devs?” and “Piercing the Veil?.” To finish off the month we began streaming, once again, on our Twitch feed! If you really want a peek behind the Veil there’s nothing better than watching us work, live, straight from our desktops. If you’d like to see what goes into making Camelot Unchained keep an eye on Twitch.

Lastly is our big goal of the month. By the end of March we’ll be utilizing a great deal of tech the engineering team has been working on to improve not only our client but also the art and functionality of our internal testing arena.


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