亚服 菲律宾玩家体验MMO游戏的最大问题 网络连接频繁断开

2014-03-18 1693


过去的三年里,在Garena体验DOTA 1或在其他国家主办网络游戏,我注意到有些人歧视菲律宾人,因为我们不友好的竞争态度,还有就是互联网经常中断。事实上,因为互联网经常断开连接,我一直在低级的DOTA2。事实证明我们确实是非常激进的玩家(注意有些玩家是9-14岁的辍学青年),这让我们将更多的注意力放在第二个问题上。





How bad are we when we try to play games hosted in other countries?

In the past three years of playing DOTA 1 in Garena or joining online games hosted in other countries, I have noticed that there are some who discriminate Filipinos either because of our less-than-friendly competitive attitude or that we usually experience DC (disconnect) from the game. The truth is that I am constantly in low priority pool of DOTA 2 because I am constantly being disconnected. Taking out the fact that we are indeed very aggressive gamers (note some of these players are 9-14 yrs out-of-school youths), let us focus more on the 2nd one.

Now all of us know how frustrating it is to experience frequent disconnection from your favorite online game. Sometimes the problem is with the publisher's server; and usually it is with our ISP (Internet Service Provider). Imagine taking on the most difficult dungeon, slaying numerous mindless peons and solving traps until you reach the final boss. No one in your server has ever reached that far. You could just feel the amount of bragging rights you would have for being the first to clear this dungeon. Even more since you carry an import role in your raid party. Then suddenly your modem pops that red light and that annoying message flashes "You have been disconnected from the game. Please check your network connection"

The Philippines has the slowest internet speed in the world. That is an unarguable fact. I have friends in Australia that I can't party with anymore because every time we do I get disconnected or I cause so much delay. I don't want to ruin their time. I used to play this game called Onigiri which is hosted in Japan and I played the Alpha for the English version. Now I can't even play with the friends I made from this game because I can't level up due to the massive delay.
State of LTE February

To sum it up, we are experiencing the worst internet connection in the world. I apologize to all the gamers out there who get irritated when we suddenly leave the game. As much as we want to play, we are sadly incapable of doing so because of how slow our internet connection is.


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