美服《上古世纪》:无所不能 混合职业和角色来增加能力

2014-03-22 1161





One of the privileges of checking out an overseas game in its early stages of localization is the potential to view a highly polished gameplay experience, with the wide-eyed wonder that comes along with not knowing quite how anything works.  This experience pretty much sums up Bill’s and my previews of ArcheAge, the upcoming sandbox MMORPG from Trion Worlds and XLGames, at Games Developers Conference this past week.

If you don’t know anything about ArcheAge, do yourself a solid and head over to Bill’s preview, which gives an overview of a host of the game’s features, which were presented to us in English for the very first time at GDC.  As Bill mentions in it, Victoria, Scott, and Evan were kind enough to appease our whimsy and answer all sorts of intricate questions regarding ArcheAge’s gameplay systems。

Starting with classes, there’s a huge amount of variety available in how you want your class to perform in combat.  You can mix and match three of the ten classes at any time, with the opportunity to take advantage of cross-class synergies.  As you level up your character classes, you’ll unlock more skills particular to those classes, all the way to the level cap of 50.  When you reach the cap, you can decide to swap in three heretofore untouched classes, giving yourself an entire new gameplay experience.  You’ll still retain the skill points earned through the process of leveling。

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