美服《激战2》:功能包即将问世 追踪个人成就

2014-03-26 901









Over the next few weeks, we'll hear about a bunch of gameplay tweaks and quality-of-life improvements, set to be implemented in the April 15 update. My personal favorite-most-wanted-please-can-I-have-this-soon-I'm-begging-you feature, precursor crafting, has been confirmed as not being a part of the pack, so I've outlined three other things I'd like to see implemented – if not in the Feature Pack, then somewhere shortly down the road.

Better tracking for individual achievements

The achievement panel got a nice cosmetic overhaul a few months back, but it didn't affect its functionality much. For achievements that track individual things, as opposed to simple counting, I'd love for there to be a way to see what's still needed in that category.

The classic case for this is any of the dungeon completion achievements. If you've done three of four paths in a dungeon, which one do you still need? Path one? Path three? You might remember if you've done story mode already, but that's about it – and knowing which characters have done story mode so they can open up explorable mode would also be a nice touch.

New outfit system

Getting this one in under the wire, it seems, since Monday's patches are titled “A New Way to Explore the Looks of Guild Wars 2” and “A Colorful Outlook.” But, since I'm writing this over the weekend, let's see how closely I can match up with reality!

It's really surprised me that Guild Wars 2 doesn't have a more robust way to let you show off different looks. I've actually been hesitant to buy new types of outfits in game or on the Gem Store – not to mention the Transmutation Stones required to implement them – because I know that doing so would completely “overwrite” my existing looks.

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