美服《毁灭勇士》:统治者存在 快速运行的游戏 超级能量

2014-03-26 1179







Doom Warrior is a Arena MMORPG.You fight in a simple yet fun combat system. You have a right slash, left slash, forward thrust, heavy over hand, block, and spells. The game is all about timing and managing momentum strikes. You have a stamina bar you need to be aware of. If it gets too low attacks will be ineffective. And your block maybe broken.

Stats comes into play in this. If a person is faster then you. They will beat you to the draw. So you may need to parry block properly and wait for your strike. Also remember some spells can cancel other spells and even attacks.

But you feel like a boss when you do it. Especially against someone who is spells heavy. Maybe the only way to survive them. Spells are OP in this game. Which is funny because the game reminds me of Dark Souls a bit.

You level by beating other players and then buying gear. Buffs are present throughout the game. You unlock them story questing and leveling up. A whore house also exist you can buy a slave. Which well "buffs" you for a certain time. Zone bosses exist as well as major game bosses. These bosses should be taken on with caution. They are strong and can one shot you.

This game is very simple yet satisfying. If you are looking for a 300 type game feel. And want to kick some ass. You may like this game for a quick run.

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