美服《魔兽世界》90级角色直升指南 教你使用正确使用直升

2014-03-27 2322


90级直升已经到来! 现在,在你的角色选择屏幕上很可能已经出现了一个闪亮的直升令牌,等待着你去使用。或许你已经直升了某个角色,但不清楚接下来要做什么。
确实是要好好想想你对什么角色最感兴趣,而你最想让自己的角色加入哪个阵营?或许,现在 就是尝试相反阵营的角色,结交新的朋友,从另一个角度体验魔兽的好机会?
现在,你的角色已经准备好,去坦克、治疗或输出伤害。你还穿着提升装置。能够启动已经很好,但你可以做的更好。 除了获得的知识,更好的装备会让这些经历更有趣。



 Boosting 101 - New to 90 Guide
 The Level 90 Character Boost has arrived! There might very well be a shiny Boost token glittering on your character selection screen just waiting for you to use it. Or, perhaps you’ve already Boosted a character, but you’re not quite sure what to do next.
We’re here to help!
Step One: Making Your Choice
The first question you’ll probably have (and the topic of many new forum threads) is, “What race and class should I Boost?” Perhaps it’s the class that you’ve always wanted to play, but never got around to playing. Or, how about an existing character that you want to start using at level 90 right now?
It’s a good idea to think about what class roles interest you the most, and which faction you’d like your new character to join. This might be an ideal opportunity to pick up that opposite faction character so you can join friends on the other side, or just to see what World of Warcraft looks like from a different perspective.
Step 2: Learning the Ropes
Even experienced players can feel slightly overwhelmed when logging into a character class that they’ve never played before. There are spells and ability rotations to learn, hotkeys to assign, talents to choose, and glyphs to buy.
Step 3: Add Ons, Macros, and More
Add-Ons, key-bindings, and macros are user interface (UI) tools that can help you perform at your best. They allow you to play more efficiently, react more quickly to situations as they arise, and maximize your play. You can certainly enjoy World of Warcraft without them, but many successful players reap the benefits they provide.
Step 4: Gearing on Up
So now your character is all set up to head out into the world to tank, heal, and do some damage. You’re still wearing your Boost gear, though. It’s great for getting you started, but you can do better, and the links below will guide you to more efficient  gearing upgrades so you can move on to tougher challenges. In addition to the knowledge you’ve gained, better gear will make those experiences more fun for you and those you play with.
Step 5: Ready? FIGHT!
Knowledge is a powerful weapon. You should have a handle on your character and abilities by now. The other half of the battle is knowing who and what you’ll face, and how to defeat them. As Sun Tzu said, "Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories."
Knowing just what to expect from a fight will help your Dungeon Finder and Raid Finder runs go much more smoothly, which will help you have more fun and the chance to earn loot faster too.


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