美服《荒野星球》:奖金公布 感谢测试人员辛苦劳作

2014-03-28 1188






Do you think waiting until next weekend to play WildStar sucks?  Do you feel like being capped at level 17 is like wearing a soggy turtleneck?  SO DO WE!

Starting today, Friday 3/28 at 7:00am PDT, the servers will be live and the party ain’t stopping until Sunday night!  Also, the level 17 cap is gone and is now being replaced with a level 20 cap.  My quick math skills tell me that’s an extra 3 levels!  This bonus weekend is a way to get more testing time for us, awesome, as well as more game time for all of you who have Pre-ordered, double awesome!

This is our way of gathering the feedback we cherish and saying thank you to all of our loyal testers.  Which is why we would love it if you logged in this weekend, enjoyed the extra 3 levels and the bonus game time because it will greatly help us be that much more prepared come launch day June 3rd.

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