美服《魔兽世界》《德拉诺之王》最新开发者说 角色模型未能全部完成

2014-03-28 930

最近我们会有很多开发人员的采访活动, 今天我们就来看看相关信息。



 Warlords of Draenor Developer Interviews
There were a few developer interviews at the recent press events, so today we are taking a look at an interview with Alex Afrasiabi from games.on.net.

There is no guarantee that all character models will be done by release, but they hope to have most ready.
The biggest thing stopping players from coming back is leveling.
As the game got older, more and more content was added, which makes it harder for people to catch up when they return.
Having to deal with all of the other things that are a part of coming back to the game along with leveling is too much for some people.
When you come back to the game and use a boost, your bars are cleared, talents unlearned,
The team also looked at significantly increasing experience rates rather than offering a boost, but it didn't feel great and the boost was the better option.

Warlords of Draenor - New Blingtron
It looks like Engineers will be getting a new Blingtron in Warlords of Draenor, but not a new mount.

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